Tuesday 26 November 2013

Pesta Tanglung Universiti Malaya

Yesterday I went to Universiti Malaya to attend the opening ceremony of Pesta Tanglung Universiti Malaya.It's a very enjoy night.There were many performances such as 24 festive drum performance,zombie dance from USM,Harmonica performances from famous national harmonica players,singing performance from famous singer,Wushu performance and so on.What I impressed a lot is 24 festive drum performance and the zombie dance from USM.Just because it was too interesting and I really enjoyed it so I didnt take many photos of it.

 Zombie performance.

Besides,I also met some of my friends who study at Universiti Malaya.They are same matriculation with me before that is Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan.I really really really feeling so warm until now when I meet them.I also dont know the reason.
Two of them now taking medic course and one of them take dentistry.I really miss all of you so much.
By the way,I also met others too but didnt have the chance to take photos.:(

I will go to Theatrical performances of Universiti Malaya on 3 December 2013 again ! 

Sunday 24 November 2013

Lab Test 1

20/11/2013 ( Wednesday ) is our Lab Test 1.

I am the one who not good in computer.Before the lab test,I was trying so hard to "study" that.What I felt touching a lot is my friends all were willing to help me to prepare this lab test especially my roommate and my my coursemate :D I still remember Yen Yi even stayed till the late night in my room just because she want taught me until I understand.My burden relieved after she taught me.My roommate too,taught me before the lab test.Thank you !

But during my lab test,I dont know what happened to my computer or me?I really regret the most because didnt bring my laptop for my lab test 1.When i am doing the mail merge,i put my address,then my microsoft word just like "jam",cant function,cant click any button even cant close it.When I try to open microsoft excel,it also cant be open too ! I admit I really nervous on that time because worry about I cant pass up my answer.After asking Encik Azzwan,I shut down my computer and reopen it,luckily I already save the file,if nt,I need to redo it again within the limited time !
 When I reopen my computer,I tried again to do my mailmerge for the address part.But it also "jam" ! So I made a decision,that is give up the address part,or else i cant open my excel and cant continue to do my powerpoint as well.
 The lesson is : Next time I will bring my own laptop for my test. :(

Tuesday 19 November 2013


Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. ~Amy Bloom

Marriage?What is the difinition of marriage?Marriage is the formal union of a man and a woman,typically recognized by law,by which they become husband and wife.

How to maintain a good,happy and successfull marriage life?Here's are some tips...
1.You need to always remind yourself  you love him/her.
2.Always be interested in and share each other's world.
3.Always be grateful that you have a wonderful and perfect him/her.
4.Help each other.
5.Hang out together during the free time or do some interesting and favourite activities together.
6.Always be there to support him/her during the hard or sad moments.
You need to always maintain a very good marriage life till the end of your life.If not,your children will be affected.Maybe in the future your children will hate you because of their bad childhood memories.So,take marriage as serious,or else everyone around you even including youself will be suffer all the time.Try to think back,we want a happy and relax lifestyle but not a stressful lifestyle.

Honesty in relationship

Honesty in relatiotionship is a very vital to every single human in the world.Without honesty,your life will be mess up terribly because you always need to lie everyone even yourself.Maybe sometimes you cant recognize who you really are when you are lying. So be honest in every relationship including relationship with yourself.It will be your master key in your life.There are two ways from me to be honest in our relationship.

Firstly,you need to agree that honesty is a priority.This is a very important way to have honesty in evry single relationship.If you cannot agree that you should make an effort to tell the truth to one another,perhaps you have bigger fish to fry than simple honesty.Deciding that you want to have open but kind communication is an incredibly important step in establishing honesty ground rules.

Secondly,you need to avoid from lying as well.Lying is an offensive action when you dont tell the truth.Of course,we probably have lied in the past.We are human beings and we are not perfect.However,at the same time,it's important we at least try to prevent those mistakes from happening in the first place.Lying is not only painful to you,but everybody around you as well.So,dont try to lie to others if you want a truly and honesty in your relationship.

Be honest to your parents,your family,your friends,the people you live with,the people you love and ....yourself......

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Pesta Tanglung 1 Malaysia D'Kajai

My college is Kolej Rahim Kajai.And on this coming Thursday ( 14 November 2013 ),there will be an event in our college,that is Pesta Tanglung 1 Malaysia D'Kajai.The time is 5pm-11pm.As a Timbalan Exco Publisiti,I,m going to promote this event here.Here's the banner of our event.
 There will be a lot of people from different college come to celebrate with us.For your information,this Pesta Tanglung is same as Mooncake Festival.

We are providing a lot of free mooncakes.

Apart from that,we also have lucky draw.And the grand prize for the lucky draw is Bicycles!
There are having many food stalls on that day including sushi,malay stall(ayam goreng,dim sum and pau),ban mian,xi mi lu and so on.All the people need to use coupon to buy the food.

In addition,we also invited a famous guy who is Daniel to perform magic show and mask changing performances.We also have a group of dancer,named "7 Dwarfs" to perform for us.

I am looking forward for this coming event,really excited about it :D It must a very enjoyable evening.

My life in Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan

I was a student from matriculation.My matriculation is Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan.Even though I stayed there for only one year,but i have a lot of wonderful and good memories at there.

One of the special thing that i found out during the matriculation is there are many "mix" people at there like Kadazandusun mix with Dusun,Chinese mix with Dusun,Kadazandusun mix with Malay,and so on.My friends there told me that people from Sabah which we call them  as Sabahan dont have any racism among them.This is what I respect so much ! At Sabah,Labuan too,I really felt that they all are very unite.You can see there are chineses sit together with Malays in Kopitiam,chit-chatting happily together.There really is "Satu Malaysia".I love to stay at there.One of the most important thing that I want to mentione is they all are very friendly and kind,no matter who they are.I felt warm at there.

Of course,I made many friends at there.I really happy to be at there and I have this precious friendship with them.

At first,I really cant get used the life there.There are many people looked like exactly same like chinese.But once I talked chinese to them,They said they dont know how to say chinese.This is the most special ! Many of them are chinese descent but they dont know how to talk in chinese.However their Bahasa Malaysia is very good and fluent! I really miss the life there. Labuan / Sabah is a good place to stay indeed.

I miss them !

Thursday 7 November 2013

Famous food in Bintangor,Sarawak

Now I want to introduce the most famous food in my hometown,Bintangor.The most famous food in my hometown is ROJAK.Maybe you will say it's just rojak only,we can eat it everywhere and it is nothing special.You are totally wrong.Bintangor Rojak is very special compare to the rojak at other places.I ate rojak at many places but I found that they are different.I dont know how to describe the taste of it,but what I can confirm is the Bintangor Rojak is the best rojak.It is a little bit spicy and sweet.Here is the photo of Bintangor Rojak.

The owner of the Rojak shop is my mum's friends.They are very friendly.Many tourist from other places will come their shop to enjoy the Rojak and they always "dabao" many rojak before they left Bintangor.

Here's the location of their shop.

My Hometown and My Family

Now I am in Sarawak.My hometown is Bintangor.Bintangor is a small and quiet town but it's very warm to me.All the people here living happily and peacefully here.I love to stay here,quiet life and no war.This time,all my family back home except my eldest brother.Two of my elder sisters back from their university and my dad also back from his workplace too.It's feel like we are celebrating Chinese New year,the only day all the family members come back and gather together to celebrate and it always is the happiest moment to me.My mum and my sisters cooked a lot of delicious food.They also baked cakes too.Of course,I and my sisters also sit together to share our stories too.(For you information,I have one brother and four sisters excluding me).We chit-chatting and gossip together because it had been long time we didnt sit together and chat.I love Bintangor so much ! I love my family so much ! <3